7 Best Career Advices for Career Success No One Told You

Kurt Walker - Thursday 29th October 2020 | Articles
Best Career Tips

The craziest thing today is that people have a hard time finding their purpose. No matter whether it’s about personal life or family life, we are struggling to find out what we truly want. This increases the importance of “figuring it out” and burdens our lives in return. The more we’re trying to control the things we can’t control, the more we suffer.

So, maybe you’re not planning for your next child. So what?  Maybe you’re not ready to get married. So what? Maybe you wish for simpler family life. Great! Whatever you decide personally, that will fit you best. 

When it comes to career, however, things can be controlled. You can and should decide whether you want to take that job or not. You can and should decide if you’re going to start your own company. This article will help you figure it out career-wise. Let’s dive in. Here are the 7 best career tips that no one told you:

Tip 1: Give up on long-time employment goals 

Today, you can work from literally anywhere. This pandemic has taught us that online work is more than possible and even advisable. You can find plenty of opportunities for working remotely. And get this – you can specialize in everything you want to, from content writing to blogging, proofreading, or copywriting. If you’ve got other types of skills, you could also try Photoshop or coding. Depending on your needs, you can find all sorts of jobs available for you. 

Give up on long-time employment goals because they won’t get you anywhere in today’s era. Wouldn’t you prefer working on a project while sipping on a Mojito in Puerto Rico? Would you rather work a 9 to 5 job stuck in a cubicle? In the end, it all depends on your long-time goals. So, set smart goals that’ll bring you the outcomes that you want. 

Tip 2: Learn how to pitch yourself

You know you succeed when you’re no longer dependent on your company. You can shine on your own. You don’t need support anymore – you’ve already figured it out and you’re on the very right track. The less dependent you are on your organization, the more independent you become. So, learning how to pitch yourself should be your top priority.  

The first step is picking a niche that you are comfortable with. Next, find your skills based on your preferred subject. Create a solid list of favorite activities and passions you’re concerned with. Establish a plan through which you’ll create a reliable income for yourself and relax.

Take a break. Make yourself some tea. And then get back to it.

Tip 3: Understand the steps 

The next thing you must understand is that careers move in steps, chapters, waves, or phases. You cannot expect your career to be monotonous from start to end. You’ll go through ups and downs, so expect change every step of the way. 

The most important thing is looking at the bigger picture. What do you want to see when you look back, 30 years from now? Shift your focus from the present moment to the future. What do you want to create? What do you want to attain, long-term?

Then come back to the present and write down what you must do to get there. What are the steps that, if respected, will get you right to your goal? 

Tip 4: Strive for passive income streams

Let me clear this out from the start: passive income does not mean easy income. You’ll have to work hard to get what you want. Nonetheless, it can be done. 

Depending on what you like doing, you can turn almost anything into passive income. Say you like a certain product and your special skill is writing. Creating a personalized instructional eBook for it can get you there. Information is a commodity today, so learn how to transform it into money. 

eBooks are not the only informational products that stick out. You could also check the market for webinars, online courses, or live workshops in your area of expertise. Who knows? Maybe there’s a niche you’d find proper. 

Tip 5: Get an accountable partner 

When they’re accounted for, strategic partnerships can help you succeed. If you’re about to embark on an entrepreneurial journey, this should definitely be one of your to do’s. For example, a copywriter can get a strategic partnership with a marketing company. As long as the marketing campaign runs, the copywriter writes solely for that company. Although these two entities share a similar target market, they can join forces to attain a shared goal.

You can find partners to team up with almost anywhere; but as long as they are not accountable or there is no method to check that, don’t do it. You’ll sign up for an emotional and financial rollercoaster if your partner cannot be accounted for. 

Tip 6: Invest in yourself

Investing in yourself is the best thing that you can do. Don’t struggle to maintain something that’s not worthy but attain something that matters. If you want to be self-supported one day, you need to start investing in what you want to develop. You could, for instance, create daily or monthly tasks, and stick to them. 

Ask yourself, what do I want from me? And then enumerate all the things that you’ll achieve today or within the next month. Keep yourself accountable and track your results. 

Tip 7: Be yourself 

We’ve talked about six tips already and we have one to go. This one is the last one, but not at all the least important. Be yourself. Everyone has something that they like doing in life. Everyone has a certain assignment they came here for. Each one of our tasks is unique, and it’s created for us, individually. Being yourself then becomes the most important thing. If you are not yourself, then who will be you and carry out the tasks that you came here for? I’ll leave you with that. 



Don’t settle for less, get a remote job with a flexible schedule, understand the steps that’ll get you to your goals, strive for passive income flows, get an accountable partner, invest in yourself, and don’t forget to be yourself; and have some fun while at it!


Author Bio:

Kurt Walker has been working as a professional writer service and copywriter at bestdissertation.com in London for 3 years. He is also a professional content writer and offers assignment help in topics such as inspiration, productivity, education, and technologies.




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2 Reviews - 7 Best Career Advices for Career Success No One Told You

Reviewed by Sunnil on 20-11-2020

Very realistic approach towards the subject matter. Social awakening for importance of Career planning. Right step towards Atmanirbhar Bharat.

Reviewed by Janavi on 30-10-2020

Excellent post