Why is career counseling important in India?

Manish Parasher - Thursday 7th March 2019 | Articles
career counselling in India

Career counselling is more valuable than ever before. Let it be a student who is confused about which stream to choose or a professional who is worried about his career break. Career counselling has multiple folds and it helps students and professionals choose their dream career path. Earlier many people used to choose the career path because their friends and family told so, or just because it is so-called ‘popular’. 

Now it is not the case. With the help of a trained career counsellor, you can choose your dream career path and follow your passion.

Are you a student or professional who faces these questions in day to day life?

- Which stream to choose after 10th?

- Should I take science or commerce?

- Will my parents agree with me taking arts?

- What will I do with my career?

- I am dissatisfied with my job. What to do next?

If you are pondering over these questions in day to day life then congrats, you need career counselling.  There are 600 million youth population alone in India. Today’s youth are tomorrow’s future. If they don’t get proper career guidance at the right time, then a plethora of students would have a career full of regrets. 

Let’s look at a scenario to understand it better.

Scenario 1: Raj is confused about his career. Some of his friends are opting commerce and some are going for science. After consulting with parents Raj decides to choose science as it is very popular and has a wide variety of career options. 

Going on the conventional career path, he completes his engineering and the goes for MBA.

After 3 years of working, Raj starts to lose interest. He starts getting depressed and he feels like the end of the world. Raj was the victim of his own choice.

Scenario 2: Raj is confused about his career. Some of his friends are opting commerce and some are going for science. After consulting with parents Raj decides to go for career counselling. He gets complete clarity about his career. What career to choose and a complete roadmap ahead of that career path. He even gets a 32-page comprehensive report in which he gets to know his most suitable career path and the career path which he should avoid. 

Raj got to know his passion and is truly happy in life.

career counselling in India

It is a proven fact that students and professionals who undergo career counselling and get proper guidance are much happier in their professional and personal life. Career counselling focuses on career exploration, career change, and personal career development and providing the right career path based on a psychometric test.

 “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

~ Stephen Covey

You have the power to make the right decision.

You are just one decision away from a happy career. Take action now. Visit a career counsellor and solve all your career-related queries.

Who actually need Career Counselling: Let’s dive in a little deeper. 

Career Counselling for students after 10th

Choosing the right stream after Class 10th is probably the most important phase of your career. If you take science stream, then you have option to switch to commerce or arts after that. But if you opt for commerce then you can’t come back to science. 

So, choosing a stream which you are passionate about and which is in line with your career interest is extremely important. 

It is important to get career counselling done before it is too late. A career counsellor can help you choose the right stream based on your skills, interest and abilities.  

career counselling importance

Read more: What after 10th?

Career Counselling for students after 12th

Class 12th is one more junction in a student’s career life which is very crucial. With board exams on their head and the insurmountable tension of competitive exams, deciding which career to choose for graduation can be a daunting task. There are several options available for students who choose science or commerce. But to choose the right stream is extremely important. 

For example, a science student may decide to go for engineering. But in engineering also several braches are there such as computer science, mechanical, civil etc. Which stream to opt for is a challenge which many students face? 

Career counselling is the answer. Career counselling will help the students understand the career options available and how to choose the most suitable career path. It is important to take expert guidance from a career counsellor rather than making a hasty decision.

Career Counselling for professionals

The average working person spends 58% of his life in the office. Since he spends more than half of the time working, it is extremely important to do something which you are really passionate about. But that is not the case.

According to Kelly services survey, 48% of the working population are unhappy with their current career. 

According to Indeed survey, 40% of the people are dissatisfied with their current job.

Why is this happening? If a professional gets proper career guidance at the right time, then this situation wouldn’t have aroused. 

It is a myth that working professionals don’t need career counselling. Everyone who is confused about their career can go for career counselling. Career and work is an immense part of people’s lives. Career counselling is like a blessing in disguise and can be really helpful for an individual’s overall happiness. Happy career means a happy life.

career counselling for professionals

Why do you need Career Counselling?

At some point in our lives, we all are confused, stressed about our career lives. What do we do if we fall ill? We go to doctor. What should we do if we have career problems? We should go for career counselling. 

We should understand that choosing the right career option is very important as our whole life depends on it. 

Career counselling helps you to understand your interests, skills and abilities and based on that a career counsellor guides you in the right direction.

As technology is moving at a rapid pace, there are lot many new-age career paths which are emerging. Career counselling provides a clear roadmap on which career to pursue and how to be successful in that. With the immense amount of professional choices available today, career development has become progressively significant for exploring career interests and possibilities. It is important that students receive career counselling in school so they are better arranged for life after school, and ready to face the changes and challenges in the work environment. 

How does career counselling help?

1. Helps to choose the right career

Career counselling helps students and professionals choose the right career and make them realise their true potential. There are a plethora of career options available in today’s world. It is humanly impossible to know about each and every career path and know it’s pros and cons. A career counsellor is an expert in this field. He/she has an abundance of knowledge about each career and will help you choose your dream career.

2. Helps eliminate career-related confusion

At some point in our lives, we all face career-related confusion. It can be a student, a graduate or a professional, everyone has a dilemma about their career at some point in their lives. It is better to consult a career counsellor and solve your career-related confusion rather than getting content with your career choice.

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

3. Provides expert guidance

What would you do if you are ill? You would go to a doctor who is an expert in his field.

Similarly, what should you do if you are facing confusion related to your career? You should visit a career counsellor who is an expert in his field.

A career counsellor understands your strength and weakness and provides you with expert guidance to choose the best career for you.

It is essential to plan one’s career with a long term perspective.

Career counselling is important in every educational step. Don’t hesitate. Get career counselling done. Visit www.edumilestones.com. 

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3 Reviews - Why is career counseling important in India?

Reviewed by Sanjana Reddy on 13-09-2021

Very informative

Reviewed by Zalak on 13-09-2021

Reviewed by Fatema on 01-10-2020

Extremely important