Is it too late to make career change in mid 30s? It requires me to start from entry level. Is it worth it?

Vipin Prasanth - Wednesday 20th March 2019 | Articles
Career Change

According to a recent study, the majority of individuals change their career minimum 3 times in their lifetime.

Career change can be referred to Vertical change (e.g. Business Analyst to Sales manager)

or Industry change (e.g. Financial services to the IT industry).

Now there are two parts in your question, let me try answering both parts:

  1. Is it too late to make a career change in the mid-30s? Certainly not. There are many reasons to make a career change for an individual. Few of them are,

    A. What if the industry that you are working currently is no more relevant in the real-world scenario. 

    Eg: Think about the Technology head of photo film manufacturing unit at his late 40s, examining his career options when the entire industry is in the brink of a total wipeout due to the sudden emergence of digital technology..)

    B. What if the industry that doesnt pay you well even after acquiring good expertise in the field and no further growth in the vicinity… 

    C. What if your profile is always considered as cost centre of the company and you get fired at the first glimpse of any problem or slow down in the company revenues.

    Career change in mid 30′s is not something unheard of and it is commonly called a midlife career crisis’.

    Midlife career crisis results in increased anxiety levels, feeling undervalued, unfulfilled and demotivated. 

    It is relatively better to overcome at the 30s than in 40s or 50s. You will have adequate mental and physical strength to overcome it!

  2. It requires me to start from the entry level? is it worth it?

    Is it worth trapped in a career which makes you feel miserable every day and drain you both mentally and physically?

    It is not necessarily you need to start from entry level. The key is ‘complementary skills’.

    What are the complementary skills you can bring along with you while entering the newfound industry?

    How it will add more value to the new profile? How you can pitch your complementary skills to your new employers?

    Eg: Sales professional from telecommunication industry can highlight his sales skills and similar experience to join a software company. Both involve sourcing clients, interacting with international/Domestic clients, Demo and presentation, follow up and closure. 

    Service and support executive from the hospitality industry can join ITES or Financial services industry (support) as it involves interacting with clients, understanding their problem, follow through and problem rectification.

    Even though adequate technical training is required, complementary skills need to be highlighted. If successfully done, you will not be considered as fresher, you will be considered as a valuable resource who carry valuable knowledge from other industry. If everything is done properly, there is a possibility of getting a similar level or better designation than the previous one.

    How do you think people move across various industries?

     - Complementary Skills.

    Mr.John Scully, then youngest CEO and President of Pepsi (beverage industry) were lured away by Steve Jobs of Apple (Hi-tech Computer industry) in order to apply his marketing skills in the later.

    It happens all across the industries. It is nothing new. Just open up and understand. There are 2 crucial steps to proceed,

    1. Analyze and understand your career interest and skills

    2. Learn new Skill which may be important for the new industry.

    You can evaluate the same through any of the interest and skill assessments online and proceed with the best foot forward.

    All the best!

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