Factors needed for an Effective Career Planning

Satish Chandra - Thursday 10th October 2019 | Articles
career planning

Factors needed for an Effective Career Planning

The rapid transformation of scenarios in the education and job sector brings to us equally more challenges and opportunities for scores of people in their lifetime. Here is a point where career planning becomes a vital aspect of measuring your success. Today career is not just a profession where you end up earning alone; today it’s a process of learning real-time situations and adapting your work style to achieve the best in your role. Now this new role where learning is a part and parcel of work opens up a wide choice of opportunities and options to explore. One catchword that comes to our mind must be – Planning – it involves a lot of your imagination and feedback from various quarters including your social circle to decide what course of action you need to work on and what decisive action you need to act upon. We need to focus on 3 major aspects when we look at career planning.


We all do the same mistakes except for a few exceptions, choose a career as per the social requirements, that are forced on to us; get into a job that fulfils our financial commitments, several factors affect us in this decision making. Most of us toil without any soul searching and inner satisfaction on the jobs we perform. You need to be aware of the kind of role you could take up that can satisfy your inner soul and the physical being, you need to be aware of who you are. For proper career planning there are a few factors that you need to keep in mind which includes your skill, values, passion, abilities, personality and passion. It takes a lifetime to know oneself; we would never know about ourselves in this ever evolving human personality.


To understand and to explore the YOU with yourself, you need to first assess your own personality, your potential area of expertise and inherent talent that you own and carry along, even though a final decision will depend upon the external environment, next important fact is your work environment, your potential to adapt and exploit opportunities that come your way. The economic situation and labour market also are some of the factors that influence your decision making. Saying it in simple terms you need to do a SWOT analysis on yourself. Psychometric tests at this juncture are the right tool that could aid decision making for an effective career goal. 


Exploring options that aid and support your strengths and weakness could be advanced and simplified by focussing on the right level of education that maximises your effort to give you a more productive life. Understanding the options available in the world of education gives you more impetus to focus on the right career that maximises your talent. Education should not be seen only as a tool to gain basic knowledge and to get certificates or degrees, but to improve upon your inherent talent and skills.

When you don’t focus on these 3 factors you end up picking up whatever comes your way or that will get you money to live a life, slowly you will realise that this is not what you have been yearning for, depression and frustration creep in to destroy the tranquillity in your career. You end with no job satisfaction and there is no fulfilment in whatever you had planned to achieve in life career wise.

Hope that this article would help you re-evaluate to get a better career success. I am sure that it will change the way you look at yourself and the numerous options that abound you. 

Wish you all success!

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