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How to become a Indian Army Officer in India

Ankit Agrawal - Thursday 8th September 2022

Career in  Indian Army

Career in Indian Army

Do you want to serve your country? Does the Indian Army grab your attention? If yes, you should consider joining the Indian Army.

The Indian Army is the land-based branch and the most significant component of the Indian Armed Forces. Indian Army is the 3rd most massive Army in the world. The principal objective and the primary goal of the Army is to maintain peace through the country by safeguarding the geographical boundaries during wars. They are also responsible for helping and keeping the citizens safe during any natural calamities. Indian Army consists of the most significant number of the volunteer force in the world. There are only three cavalry regiments in the world, and the Indian Armed Forces have one of those three. To be a part of the Indian Army, one should be patriotic, brave, focused, and most importantly, the desire to serve your nation selflessly. 

Example: Captain Anuj Nayyar, Colonel Neelakantan Jayachandran Nair, Brigadier Kuldip Singh Chandpuri, Gurbachan Singh Salaria, Rifleman Jaswant Singh Rawat, Captain Vikram Batra, and Arun Kumar Vaidya are few of the bravest army officers of India. 

What are the roles and responsibilities for Indian Army Officer?

  • The Army directs, trains, and leads infantry units in ground combat operations.
  • Duties include directing the deployment of infantry weapons, vehicles, and equipment.
  • Duties also include directing location, construction, and camouflage of infantry positions and equipment.
  • They manage field communications operations.
  • They coordinate with armour, artillery, and air support units.
  • Performing strategic and tactical planning, including battle plan development; and leading basic reconnaissance operations.
  • Manage personnel and weapons operations to destroy enemy positions, aircraft, and vessels.
  • Duties include planning, targeting, and coordinating the tactical deployment of field artillery. 
  • Direct the establishment and operation of fire control communications systems.
  • Targeting and launching intercontinental ballistic missiles.
  • Directing the storage and handling of nuclear munitions and components.
  • Manage the security of weapons storage and launch facilities.
  • Manage the maintenance of weapons systems.

How to Become an Indian Army Officer in India?

There are 4 ways to become an Indian Army Officer in India

Career Path 1

Student can do 12th any stream. Then complete NDA Exam.

Career Path 2

Student can do 12th. Then complete Graduation. Further you can Proceed with CDS Exam.

Career Path 3

Student can do 12-Any field(NCC) . Then complete Graduation (NCC -Certificate). Further you can Proceed with CDS Exam.

Career Path 4

Student can do 12-Science(Maths & physics recommended). Then complete Graduation in B.Tech/B.E / B.Tech (pre-final year). Further you can Proceed with Give the Technical graduate commission Exam .

What are the key skills required for Indian Army?

  • Mental and Physical fitness
  • Security Risk Management
  • Security Policies and Procedures
  • Strong Analytics skills
Should I become a Indian Army Officer
Check your career fit for Indian Army in 35 Min

What are the career opportunities in Indian Army?

  • Army Officer in Various branches of the Army

What is the salary and demand for Indian Army Officer?

  • Demand is High for Indian Army.
  • Salary levels are High for Indian Army. For fresher average salary is more than 5 Lacs.
  • Fees levels of the course is Low. To pursue this course student need to spend lesser than 2 Lakhs.
  • Level of preparation for Indian Army is High. Students spend more than 1 Year. to prepare for entrance test of Indian Army.

1 Fees
2 Demand
3 Salary
4 Level Of Preparation

Career Videos for Indian Army as a career curated from Youtube

Is career in Indian Army good choice for me?

Should I become a Indian Army Officer? not sure. Take 20 Min free career test to find out are you fit for career in Indian Army.Check career suitability for Indian Army

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