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Tanya: Which is the best college available in India for under-graduation?
Counsellor: Well, options are many, what exactly are you looking to study?
Tanya: I want to get admission into the best college?
Counsellor: (Repeats) Well, options are many, what exactly are you looking to study?
Tanya: I am confused...
Counsellor: First understand, which course is suitable for you.
"If you are not passionate about the career path, what difference it makes whether you completed the course from the best or worst college?"
Asked by Edumilestones | 10th of December 2020
career counsellor voiceofvipinAbsolutely true....often the college selection is the next big task, once a career path is selected. It require extensive research and guidance, as the the right course and college acts as a springboard for students.
I think college selection is a very critical decision in ones career and may add tremendously to the future of the aspirant.Currently,there are plethora of choices for Gen Z which did not exist decades ago.
Being a career coach I would strongly recommend to undergo the brainstorming exercise of SELF AWARENESS which includes knowing about oneself thoroughly in terms of personality,aptitude,learning styles ,motivations and the aspirations .Once the filtering is done I guess selection of the college can become an easier task .
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